Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?

This question is polite way of asking: How many of us spend big bucks to secure the best sound we can, only to misuse or under use our equipment? IF my personal experience is anything to go by (probably not typical) many times I've done something purely ignorant which resulted in an otherwise decent system failing to perform as it could if well connected? My error in my SVS sub settings is a perfect example. This morning the timbre and soundstage is unlike I've ever heard from this chair. For a year at least I had two filters fighting each other squashing my tunes! Audiogon forums are often assessed to cure perceived problems by members however, what one doesn't know CAN harm you! (your sound that is).My short list of crazy stupid isn't by any means limited to the subwoofer setting error. A short list includes wrong tubes in wrong places, modem and router WAY TOO close to amp, speakers overly toed`in, and the list goes on...Its probably impossible to believe but apparently some of us need a "systems check up"! Wishful thinking I suppose but you know there's others who have invested hundreds if not thousands only to produce B~ sound.  Check list? "FIND WEAKEST LINK HOTLINE"? Ideas?



I have been building my system for a little over fifty years and I’m getting mighty close to “my perfect system”.  I am happy to say I listen at least an hour a day, probably three hundred and thirty days a year. Have I done some foolish things in fifty years, in retrospect, yes, but I don’t think I’d be where I am without doing most of them.

"Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?"



I assembled my most recent system, a tube preamp with SS amp, incorporating all-analog dual-mono Class A amplification, with an eye (ear) toward reproducing the midrange but not at the expense of the rest of the spectrum. When I felt I had the components right, I then worked to maximize their performance and applied tweaks that would be appropriate for any system, including room treatment, mechanical and electrical isolation, cables, speaker footers, speaker/listener position, linear power suppliers, dedicated electrical circuits, power conditioning, etc. I believe some folks miss out on significant music enhancements by ignoring these modifications, many of which are not necessarily expensive nor aesthetically challenging.

While at times I am wowed by the imaging, bass, coherence etc., I more often find myself just getting lost in the music. Is my system optimized? I don't know if I have achieved the best my system has to offer, but I am trying and it has been great fun, both building and listening, which is what this hobby is all about.


My not using well thought out room treatments is not getting the best out of their rig. I had just a few treatments since I got back into the hobby, then added a few....and the results were embarrassing, this was a new level of SQ.

I tore out much of my system, and am building a proper listening room with room treatments from a clean slate.....costs of course are much more than I initially counted on, so on hold right now.