I was a hair length away from purchasing a Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKII before leaving for TG holiday out of town and found a heavily discounted demo Audel Magika MKII made in Sicily similarly by a 1 man operation. The birch plywood quasi transmission-like design intrigued me as did the drivers used (SB Acoustics and Seas) so after reading the reviews I made the purchase. Both the Audel and Fritz use drivers while different, cost similarly if purchased separately.
The next day they were sent out but 2 days later Fritz runs a sale that while still more than the Audels, I would have jumped on. I did consider it but I made a lot of purchases for the holidays and needed the dust to settle as well as selling off my larger/older gear first.
I wanted smaller speakers but there really are none in the size I want that matches what a somewhat larger standmount offers. Looked at other brands as well and am not regretful of buying the Audels. They are nice sounding speakers, transparent enough and easy to listen too and if anything given the reviews and forums, the Fritz would be somewhat smoother, definitely different as the Audels are quite unique in certain ways from what I was used too. Don't know if the Fritz are so much better, still they likely would be the next purchase in speakers if I decide to buy another set even over highly regarded others I had looked at as contenders.
Right now, looking at possible end game amps whether integrated/amp/pre or monoblocks and if one of the brands I am considering makes a (for me preferable) class D integrated with balanced inputs, that would be perfect for size, weight and simplicity. That brand is Atma-Sphere and I suppose, other companies may offer high performing class D in the coming months or year as well in that form. Hopefully anyhow.
Will have to save diligently for what for me would be end game over and done for amp/dac and speakers (I know we all say that).
So, for the time being, I will enjoy the Audels with my modest CA-1 and D70s while selling off my other gear.