The last 20 years of Home Power Have Been Amazing

In the late 1990s I installed my first electric panels. Mostly for the sake of running a safe woodworking workshop but also to enable the multiple window units and my partner and my offices, plus the TV and stereo, of course.

At that time whole house surge protectors were available but not required. Being an IT guy in a storm prone area of course I went for it. Otherwise however breakers were rather similar to those from the original mid 1960s versions. I mean, I’m sure there were improvements in panel technology and how breakers were manufactured but for the home there were really only two aspects you needed to care about:

  • Current capacity
  • Poles (1 or 2)

And for the home owner that’s were things stood for almost 40 years. In the last 20 years though much has changed. Arc fault (AFCI or CAFCI) first required in 2002 for bedrooms. Now (since 2017) they are required practically everywhere in a home. Whole house SPDs (surge protectors) are required from 2020.

Most recently, the 2023 NEC greatly expanded the use of Ground Fault (GFCI) protection. GFCI’s which were limited to kitchen and bath outlets are now required for your washer and dryer, microwave, range, dishwasher and (in my case) garbage disposal. Take a look at any modern panel. You’ll see 4 different types of breakers:

  • Old fashioned
  • GFCI (white test button)
  • CAFCI (dark blue test button)
  • Combined GFCI + CAFCI (pale blue test button)

And outlets? Have you noticed weather resistant (WR, 2008) or tamper resistant (TR, 2008) requirements? In addition to GFCI requirements. Sheesh. It’s a marvel any electrician can keep them all straight, let alone a home owner.

Of all these improvements though the only one I'd suggest you rush out and get is the whole house surge suppressor unless your breaker panel is running 40 years old in which case a replacement may be a good idea soon.


@erik_squires Thx for your blog post about the EverStar MI-300 Ethernet Galvanic Isolator. If we do it for electricity makes sense to do it for ethernet too. 

Thx for your blog post about the EverStar MI-300 Ethernet Galvanic Isolator. If we do it for electricity makes sense to do it for ethernet too.

You are welcome, @wsrrsw - The year I moved in we had lightning strike near the Internet providers little ground box taking out several cable modems. Fortunately for all my neighbors they don’t even own an Ethernet cable and were 100% Wifi so only the Internet provider’s equipment was damaged, but it was close. You’ll find many stories of lightning surges coming through and zapping several pieces of AV equipment at once. Often though it’s not even visible, or it "only" damaged the Ethernet ports... meaning the gear was useless and had to be replaced.

While the damage is rare, and minor it is also expensive when it occurs. Especially bad for IT workers and audiophiles who like to connect as much as possible via wired network connections.


The Environmental Potentials EP-2500-EE whole house surge protector has a reputation of being "audiophile grade" and supposedly does provide some beneficial processing.

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