What would you save in a fire?

Had the unpleasant experience of the Palisades fire nearly burning my house down. As in, I left driving through a firestorm and when I returned all except the actual structure was blackened. I then had to choose what to take with me before fire makes it way back the other side of the hill (which it’s doing now) and stuff my car. I was able to take about 300 out of 10k records, 2 turntables (one that is 250 lbs and almost gave me a hernia), my DAC, 2 phonostages… but had to leave my Aleph 1.2 monoblocks and speakers. Although I did also save 4 TAD woofers, 2 compression drivers, 2 horns and tweeters. I left everything else, spare a shirt and underwear.

I know it sounds materialistic or petty, but the music means everything to me. My wife saved 20 pairs of shoes haha. My question for you is… if you had to choose quickly, what would you save? Would your system make the cut?


I have a lot of stuff. An entire lifetime of hobbies. The only blood relative I have left is one nephew. When I die, I will be soon forgotten. At this point in my life, I enjoy all my stuff, but it doesn't have any meaning to anybody else. Everything can be replaced, and I can start over. 

I would like to think I'd toss my Krell amp in the truck.  Problem is I'm in California & it's still on vacation at the Krell plant in Connecticut SINCE APRIL!!!  

Depends on how much time I had to get out. First and foremost I’d make a bug out bag for my wife, my dogs and me. Then would come what ever she told me to pack.  And as far as my two rigs, I’d grab some old ARC equipment and some vinyl and CD’s that would be hard to replace. Then I’d take pictures of everything else for proof of ownership for the insurance company. Like others have said, I’d probably leave all the electronics. 

Pray for us, we’re in for another insane windstorm and what BARELY survived round one still has to survive round two. Thankfully we’ve control burned most things on the endangered side now. 


Suitable for framing

By the way:

Understanding the Idiom Of "But Seriously Folks"


Variations in Tone

"One way in which the idiom “but seriously folks” can vary is in its tone. Depending on the speaker’s intention, this phrase can be delivered with varying levels of seriousness or humor. For example, if someone is giving a comedic speech but wants to make a serious point, they might use this idiom as a transition into their more somber topic. On the other hand, if someone is trying to lighten the mood during a tense conversation, they might use this phrase ironically before making a joke."