The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



This is an infomercial masquerading as a hifi enthusiast video. If you have the cheese to buy these speakers, you shouldn't try to drive them using a 100 wpc (insert name) receiver bought from Best Buy. Your in a different league now. People don't listen to frequency response curves, they listen to music. This guys whole thing is to criticize someone else's work. Why I wonder there are no samples of music we can listen to? As a musician I can tell you, I've never played a gig or concert where we showed the sheet music or charts and never played a note. This whole video was a waste of 18+ minutes.

@mclinnguy I sent a note to Tammy (admin) and she has reposted my original message. If you scroll up you can read it :)

BTW, I have a friend who drives his Wilson Alexia 2 with high end Audio Research amps and preamps. Very few systems can recreate the live event, e.g. jazz clubs, as his. He has worked hard on all aspects of his audio chain and the results are astonishing. 


Oh you are lucky, I would have banned that for sure. wink

I also had something strange yesterday- I typed a semi-long response in a different thread, and I hit the post button on the bottom, and it disappeared and I got a 'log in using 2 factor authentication" pop up on screen. Sometimes strange computer issues happen. Of course I couldn't refresh or go back and retrieve the message and had to re-craft it.

In the future I hope I remember to save the whole message before posting.