The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.




Oh you are lucky, I would have banned that for sure. wink

I also had something strange yesterday- I typed a semi-long response in a different thread, and I hit the post button on the bottom, and it disappeared and I got a 'log in using 2 factor authentication" pop up on screen. Sometimes strange computer issues happen. Of course I couldn't refresh or go back and retrieve the message and had to re-craft it.

In the future I hope I remember to save the whole message before posting. 

I’m surprised she reposted while still leaving s@“t in the post. I’ve had s@“t deleted for less than that, lol….

I don't recall Danny showing us the crossovers in the Wilsons.  Usually he points out the junk parts as part of his video.  

Wilson built its reputation years ago when they really had something special when compared with other speakers of the time. They do some things very well for a dynamic speaker. They also seem to ignore other very important aspects of design which back you into a corner concerning amplification. They have never been on my radar due to what I consider to be bad engineering and design decisions. 

I don't recall Danny showing us the crossovers in the Wilsons.  Usually he points out the junk parts as part of his video.  

@knotscott  There will be a part II