The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



Isn't the obvious question why is he reviewing/modding and slagging a 13yr old iteration of the WWP? Is there really enough commercial constituency to make it worth his while? It just doesn't seem relevant.

FWIW I heard older models and was not impressed enough to buy a pair. I just heard the 50th anniversary models- and was and did.

Danny and Eric Alexander in the same post is like tag team wrestling. One will tell you that your gear is flawed and needs to be fixed, at a price, while the other sues you.

@fertguy   Deep Dive Part II just dropped, it appears...


"GR Research Upgrade failure or success with Wilson Audio"

FWIW, whatever changes Danny makes to the speakers other than upgraded parts, will make it sound like something other than a WP. If that’s what the owner wants, he bought the wrong speakers in the first place.

he bought the wrong speakers in the first place.

+1 @ozzy62

There’s a difference between upgrading something you like vs trying to change the a component’s disliked sonics.  Seems foolish.  If they were targeting the latest Wilson sound on the cheap upgrades aren’t the answer