The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



he bought the wrong speakers in the first place.

+1 @ozzy62

There’s a difference between upgrading something you like vs trying to change the a component’s disliked sonics.  Seems foolish.  If they were targeting the latest Wilson sound on the cheap upgrades aren’t the answer

Why the anger for all this. I constantly hear audiophiles harping on the lack of negative reviews of equipment, so now we don't like negative reviews!



He's providing a service, up to his customers to determine the value of that service. And since when is marketing oneself via social media such a bad thing.

At least you guys aren't getting crucified  on another thread for simply pointing out to Terry London he screwed up the word 'artisan' with 'artesian' in one of his reviews. Also my post that had Ianus in it got deleted. That's it, I want my money back.

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