Where do I go from here?

I'm 58 and just recently decided that a nice, dedicated two-channel listening room will be my thing - I don't golf, or ski, or spend crazy money on a sports car, so I think my wife is good with this!

My room is less than ideal - 3/4 below grade room, 17'x24' with a 6'10" ceiling height, and a few weird corners, poles, and beams to deal with.  I have a nice, new love seat, tables, and lamps, with a couple of 8x10 rugs - its pretty cozy and comfortable, but the walls need something (discussed below).

My equipment today - Vintage 1980 Klipsch Heresys, with a pair of REL T/7x subs, McIntosh MC312 amp, McIntosh C47 pre, and an Eversolo A6 (with a 4TB SSD).  I have decent cabling and go balanced from the A6 to the C47, using the A6 DAC.  My rack is VTI BL404 from stands and mounts.com. 15A wall power into a Panamax M4315-PRO for all components including subs.

The audio quality I have right now is the best I have ever had in my life, and I am loving it!  But I know I can improve it over time in ways that will be quite noticeable and appreciated.  So, I welcome advice on where to go from here and what to do first...

The room: I have not used room correction software yet.  I am liking the idea of vertical slat acoustic paneling on one, two, or all four walls.  It looks really nice and seems a versatile first layer on the walls before getting serious about bass traps and other such things.

Speakers: I've had 600 series B&Ws in the past and my ears love their sound signature.  I really have my eye on the 702 S3s that are out there.  I wonder if I need the subs with those, or maybe the 703s with the subs?  Any issues with my Mac equipment?

Streamer/DAC: I'm thinking the upgrade path here is in the $3-5K range?  Or, if I do end up with the 702s am I shooting too low?

Turntable: I know there is blue sky on expenditure here, but I really want an automatic turntable, and the Dual CS 529 looks pretty good to me.  Comes with the Ortofon 2M red cartridge.  Is that good enough for now?

Like I said, I welcome advice on priorities, and if you think I'm missing something let me know.  Thanks all!


The audio quality I have right now is the best I have ever had in my life, and I am loving it!  Full stop.  Work on the room. Don’t change the system. 

This is absolutely right. Even if you do decide to upgrade equipment, the room is 50% of the sound. Get that right, first, and then do the other upgrades. 

Just for starters: you, like me, have very low ceilings. That has to be addressed. 

Imagine you're eating a meal and there's ketchup all over some of it. Someone says, "You should try a better cut of steak." You would normally reply, "Ok, but will that have ketchup all over it, too? Because I'm not buying more expensive steak unless I know I can taste and appreciate it." It's the same thing, possibly, with your current room. Learn how to analyze it and be willing to experiment until it sounds good. Then go spend on gear.

A lot can be done with speaker placement and listening chair placement to improve sound such that room treatment need not be extensive and ugly.  What you should do may depend on any restrictions you have on such placement.  For example, if you are forced into a placement near the side walls, treatment of those walls may take more priority.  If you are going to be seated relatively close to the speakers, much of what you hear will be coming directly from your speakers and reflections off the walls, ceiling and floor become less of an issue.  Consider speaker choice in conjunction with you placement requirements.  For example, if the speakers must go in the corners, look for ones that work well there (e.g., Audio Note).

You should take advantage of the help the treatment product firms offer in planning your treatment.  Whatever they say, start slow and do your treatment in relatively small increments so you don’t overdue things and end up with a dead room.  I would start with non-treatments that are practical and decorative.  Bookshelves that you might need to hold books, records, whatever, do a good job of breaking up reflections off the wall.  Decorative tapestries do the same.  Artificial plants (this is a basement), such as ficus trees do a good job as room treatments.

There are way too many possibilities for speaker choices so I will limit my suggestion to mentioning Volti speakers; if you like the Heresy, you will probably like the Volti offerings and they are a substantial upgrade to that sound.

Speakers typically have the most influence on what you hear, as they're the interface for the room.  The room is there to stay, but acoustical treatment can have a significant impact, so is a good place to spend some research time, and experiment.  

Speakers are extremely personal (and room dependent), so I won't advise on specifics, but get something you love the sound of and that works well in your room, then use an amp or amps that are up to the task of driving them.  A good dealer will let you try them in your room, and some online places have good return policies.  Used is often a good way to get the most for your money if the right deal comes along, but home trials are more difficult with used, however there's typically less financial loss if you resell.  A good kit is another way to get superior performance per dollar spent, but resale is typically more difficult, as is in-home trial...great way to learn a lot. 

Another option is to update the crossovers in your Heresies.  Crite and others offer upgrades.  



IMO I would try to audition the new Heresy's-- if you love the sound, you might like the upgrade to the latest version.  And I have not heard the Eversolo A6, but from what I've read, you could probably do better for the same price.  GL!

Wow, thank you, each of you for the thoughtful suggestions and the encouragement. This forum is pretty cool.

@audiotroy I’m just not ready to consider a change from my preamp and feel like DAC technology advancements argue for a separate DAC for easier upgrades. I definitely know the A6 is a short term piece. And I’ll definitely upgrade the power conditioner.

@gkelly you’re right that the digital sourcing should take my attention before I pivot to vinyl. I have an AudioTechnica I can use until then anyway.

@grislybutter thanks, interesting database!

@2psyop yeah, I realize the Heresy pair is shabby chic and I need an upgrade. I’ll eventually move them to another room with my Marantz 19 and Denon DR-M30HX tape deck (and BlueSound Node). I’ll definitely take some time to do some listening to speakers before making the move.

@ghdprentice seriously, thanks for the encouragement and perspective. Great analogies too. ftr, I drive a Polestar2 and may step up to the Lucid next year. Wife drives an X5. But as you and others suggest, I need to really give my ears and spirit the time and experience of those different sound characteristics.

@kerrybh you echo ghdprentice, thanks. And yeah, I am going to take some time, and focus on the space. Appreciate learning from your experience.

@roadcykler thank you, that’s pretty much it. I have some nice vinyl, but I know I’ll listen more with an automatic. Per others’ advice, this won’t be a near term priority, but when I get a new TT, I am likely to go with that Dual CS 529, or perhaps something else if out there then.

@superblueapm and @hilde45 yep, you’re right. It’s time to work on the room, get it as good as I can and then pivot back. Gotta get rid of that ketchup!

@zlone thank you for mentioning AXPONA. It’s in Schaumberg this April and I intend to go! (I live in Chicago and have a second home in the Detroit suburbs where this listening room is.)

@larryi thanks. Yeah, I am doing a fair bit of reading and watching videos on treating rooms. I do have some positioning restrictions, but think I can work through them. I like the idea of "real life" treatments before "studio" treatments, so the room feels inviting. You and another mentioned Volti, so I’ll put them on the list for a listen somewhere.

@knotscott right, definitely a reinforced message here - when I do turn to speakers I need to take my time. I am looking at used equipment as much as new.

@fred60 I’ll have the opportunity to listen to the Heresy IVs at Abt here in the Chicago area, as well as the B&W 7 series I mentioned. And, yeah, the A6 is definitely just a placeholder device - but it’s a fun piece, I must say!

Again, thanks to all! I will come back to this post as things progress.