Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option?

I recently bought a used INT-25 to drive my PureAudioProject Trio15Classic. I have never been so torn by an amp as by this one! On one hand the details are addictive, but on the other hand, the details can be so distractive that I struggle to listen to the music. The INT-25 does do space really well and that’s definitely something I love and look for in an amp. I do miss some of the midrange magic and the warmth that a tube amp brings as well.


At this point, I’m not sure the INT-25 is going to stay. There’s so many things I love about it, but other things that distracts me from listening to the actual music.


I also miss some of the warmth that tubes bring. Is there such a thing as an integrated tube (or hybrid) that retains all the strength of the INT-25, but adds the midrange magic and warmth of the tube amp? Don’t mind if I lose some of the distracting details in the recording, but don’t want to give up too much of that. The PAP's do like a bit of power (the INT-25 is definitely sufficient), so low power SET's are not likely where I'd go.


1 watt should give you 96db near the speaker so should hardly be conversational at the level you are setting it. Something is off. 

  • Typical distance from rear wall: 2-4′ (60-120cm)

Personal rant: The wall behind the speakers is the FRONT WALL. It's the wall in FRONT of the listener but behind the speakers. If this is the back wall then what is the wall behind the listener. the "other" back wall?


Just a personal pet peeve, carry on!



I went to a bar in Colorado and the sign read: liquor in the front poker in the rear. Point is we don't want to mess these things up. Well stated Thompson.

@bjesien 1 watt should give you 96db near the speaker so should hardly be conversational at the level you are setting it. Something is off.


Mute button on somewhere, lol.

Whoa! Just tapping into this thread now and, as a Pass INT-25 owner, I would concur with the others who suggest that there could be a technical issue with your amp. Or an issue with the output of your digital front end. I have Devore O/93 speakers (at 93dB spec, much less sensitive than yours) and it'd be a rare occasion that I would ever get up to or past 50 volume with a feed from my Roon Nucleus -> Ayre QB-9 Twenty -> INT-25 playing any genre of music (and I like things loud for both rock and orchestral). And when I'm spinning vinyl with my Sota Sapphire TT & ModWright PH9.0XT providing the feed, the gain is even more significant into the Pass and 'quite loud' in my medium size room would be 40-45 on the volume setting.

Have that amp checked out. And if no issue with it's output, it's got to be a source feed problem (IMHO)

Although you haven't mentioned the size of your room and distance from speakers to listening spot, unless I missed it (?)