Dear @westcoastaudiophile " AT150E/Ea/......"
I'm sorry but you have a misunderstood about that those ones are a little " better " than the 160ML, let me explain it:
the 150E was designed in November 1979, the 150Ea in April 1983 and the 160ML in December 1982.
The inductance is the same in the 150E and the 160ML and a tiny lower in the 150Ea however the Frequency Response in the AT 160 ML is way better than in both 150E/Ea: 5hz to 35khz in the 160ML against 10hz to 23khz in the 150EA.
Now, those cartridges came with the same cartridge body shape but the cartridge motor in the 160 is way better and with higuer quality level performance.
I owned all those models and still own the 160, even the 150MLX can't outperform the 160 and its spec is short to: 10hz-30khz.
In many ways the 160 can even and beats the 170/180ML that I still own too.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,