ATN160ml Beryllium MicroLine Stylus on AT150e body


link to the eBay item I bought

I wanted light 1.25g tracking, and stiff Beryllium Cantilever (best bass I ever had was Shure V15Vxmr beryllium microline, SME arm, TD124 TT, tracking was 1.0g),

I got both, and the azimuth adjustable headshell.

It is a Genuine ATN160ML Beryllium Cantilever with MicroLine Stylus

............. HOWEVER ............ I removed it from the headshell, it’s ID is on the top

The gold body is an AT150e, not a at160 body.

(they look identical, let’s say seller probably unaware)

Aligned, played 1 side of an LP I inherited, it sounds fabulous

I’ve been listening, getting ready, my AT33PTG/II boron; Sumiko Talisman Sapphire Tube both track at what I consider a heavy 2.0g

I recently found this, Julius Pepper Adams Baritone Sax player gives his Bass Player George Mraz many solos (as well as the pianist and drummer). Thin flimsy vinyl, holy smokes it’s well recorded, live in a small club.

seller has many cartridges, a few like this, so would you return it, try to get one with a true AT160 Body?

Anybody know what difference it might make?



@rauliruegas dear Raul, thanks for your response! All I tried to explain was a 160ml requires more attention to phono-cable&pre, and using 160ml stylus in 150e body might will work better in some scenarios.. also, subsonic cut-off filter most likely will be needed w/160ml as well. As of AT-ML180/OCC, this is the best sounding/measuring AT MM cart out all other MMs in my collection, not sure why it is not the case in your setup. ML180 diamond is the finest under my Zeiss microscope as well. //regards

a few random finds to share

Fm ronco on audiogon

On a tangental note, I have fallen in love with Beryllium cantilever stylii.  ........ I'm listening to "LA 4  Scores!" as I type.  Might as well be in the club with them:-)

Cantilever Info from Orbray, formerly Adamant Namiki (2023, long after beryllium was discontinued)

Dr Tominari of Dynavector Systems Interview




@westcoastaudiophile  :No it is not ( at least in my system ) and obviously the use of  subsonic cut-off filter is not necessary . Btw,all those AT cartridges runs according the AT spec in capacitance:100pf-200pf range.



Yes the 170and 180 are truly good motors and overall with an excellent quality level performance and NO the 160 does not beats either but even some characteristics and the 160 low/deep bass is a little better that's all.





@rauliruegas 160ML at 200 pF loading cap resonates @ 16kHz, while 150Ea at 19kHz (ML180 res. freq. is 23kHz). you might know as there is significant phase deviation in frequencies closer to resonance point. I am tuning my phono-Rx resonances to be over listenable freq. range (20-20000 Hz). As of subsonic freq. you may look at low freq. driver membrane on empty track, unless you have transformers in sound path, you should see more membrane “silent slow” movements using 160ML. Subsonic HPF helps to remove unnecessarily sound modulation by unsymmetrical magnetic filed in speaker-driver coil interactions.