Anyone near Mallorytown, ON, CANADA

again, I am chasing some gear and wonder if any audiogon member would be able to check it out for me. Before the tariffs arrive...


@thecarpathian you are correct--when canada sends its people, they’re not sending their best. they’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. they’re bringing drugs. they’re bringing crime. they’re rapists. and some, I assume, are good people, although other than bachman-turner overdrive and wayne gretzky, it's hard to think of some.

The greatest story ever told, positively biblical in nature coming upon us.

No more fentanyl= no more drug addiction.

A gun in every hand = peace on earth.

Complete US self sufficiency=no more outside labor needed, US citizens will fill 100% of labor needs=no more inflation. No more imported natural resources=we will just take what's needed from outside US

No more internal  resistance allowed=maximum efficiency.


The Sackler family has killed more Americans than fentanyl could dream of doing and where are they right now? Not too long ago the battle cry was opioids, before that heroin, then pot. Stop falling for the shiny objects and wake the hell up. 

Right now Elmo and his merry band of incel hackers have control of our Treasury Dept and have hacked into the payment systems. They have complete, unfettered access to all your information. Hell, they can even stop bond purchases. Worry about that if they decide that granny and pops should have their Social Security and Medicare reduced. Now that's what's called the Deep State. 

All the best,

Here we go again. These sorts of threads are highly unlikely to change anyone's mind. Personally, I'd rather not know forum members' politics. It just gets in the way of interacting about audio. 






There are no tariffs, with Canada or Mexico, at present. Are you worried about an increase in shipping costs? A tariff on second hand goods? The sky falling?