Torus power vs the competition

We have a client interested in ordering a Torus power conditioner. 

In the past we have tried Shunyatta, Silver Circle, Running Springs, PS Audio, and a few others.

Currently we have found the Audio Magic products to consistantly sound amazing for a large number of systems. and absolutely do not limit current.

The Running Springs products were better then the Silver Circle which was a 110lb massive isolation transformer and were excellent but alas are no more.

We are retrying Isotek which we sold in the past, and they too were excellent but not as good as the Running Springs power units, but now they all have an Isotek Evo 3 line up which is supposed to be alot better.

Conversely with the Silver Circle somedays and times it sounded better than the Running Springs while other times it didn't and considering the crazy weight and size of the thing it made it nearly impossible to demo to clients.

With that being said we are seeking actual experience with those who have tried the Torus products and have compared them to some of the best units out there currently, opinions, comments?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ


Dealers use this site to sell their products if they sell a brand it is great when they stop the next brand they sell is better. Then of course newest and the latest is better, then there is the newest trend or hot one, like say a Puritan, that looks like an Isotech or AQ 3000 in many ways, The the Furmans and the Torus.  The outside of them all is the PS Audio Regenorators that do all the above plus more than any of them can do. So really you have to get them into your system and try them, and that is hard to do in this day and age due to the lack of audio stores that may carry more than one or two brands. 



Lol...Now THAT statement is funny. I have a Torus which replaced the 156 Puritan. There is no comparison, the Torus is far superior. The Puritan is a toy by comparison.