OP, others
You can expand your buying power/choices to full featured vintage equipment without remote control:
In order to get remote control for any vintage equipment, simply add a Chase Remote Line Controller, RLC-1. That let’s me use my beloved McIntosh MX110z tube tuner/preamp.
You get very precise 1 db steps of remote: volume, balance, mute, treble, bass, and 1 switched power outlet.
Other remote volume devices exist, but this is the only one I know of with remote balance. Once you have it, you won’t want to ever live without remote balance again.
this old ad shows it well
you MUST have a KP-1 Remote, no controls on the unit. One remote listed on hifishark now.
A unit without a remote for sale: if seller confirms it’s lights all blink when plugged in, that’s normal, thus no guarantee but likely a good unit.