12au7 tube?

Looking for a good 12au7 (JJ ecc802s currently). I know the Telefunken ECC802s is the holy grail, but it comes at a price that is just too steep for me to justify. Many will recommend Mullard, but I always find them a bit too "wooly", lacking in definition. They're going in a Mastersound 845 Compact.


What tubes would you recommend that fits between the clarity of the Telefunken (without the price...) and the Mullard? I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pair (let's say max $500 for the pair, prefer to be lower if at all possible).


Good news: since they’re going in an amp, not a preamp or phono, you have more options for 12au7 tubes & subs that would be too noisy / microphonic in those slots.

I’ve recently been using RCA 5963 (close 12au7 sub) in an amp - they’re affordable (beasue 5963 was not intended as an audio tube) and have a nice balanced sound. There are gray and black plate variants. They’re too microphonic for preamp / phono, but fine in an amp.

I’ve also liked GE 5814 (triple mica, gray plates), as a warm 12au7 sub that’s not quite as "wooly" as Mullard. Also affordable. 5814 is a very close 12au7 sub.

If your component’s PSU has a little extra heater current to spare, you can sub in 12BH7 (very close sub except for 0.6A heater current draw instead of 0.3A per tube). These tubes tend to be more dynamic sounding than 12au7. A power amp is more likely to have the heater current to spare, since the power tubes take up much more of it than small tubes. I’ve subbed them in a few different amps.

6189 is another sub you can do (12au7 equivalent). The Sylvanias and Philips ECG of this tube tend to be more "solid state" like in their sound. Cifte / Mazda / France made some silver plate 6189 that are very good, definitely not on the warm side though. Siemens also made some silver (nickel) plate 12au7 some people like - man, mine are microphonic as hell though - should be OK in an amp.

RCA cleartop 12au7 are everywhere (often rebranded - millions were made) and some people like them. They used to be pretty cheap. I find them "fine" but nothing really exciting.

I haven't tried Brimar or Amperex of 12au7 types - but based on their 12ax7, they should be slotting between Tele and Mullard sound, like you are looking for!

I suggest going to a professional- Andy at Vintage Tube Service. Andy knows his products and has a terrific reputation for recommendations and delivery of NOS tubes. Very easy to talk with as well and will absolutely keep your budget in mind. Give him a call.

@mulveling I don't know about that assessment as the 12AU7 is used in the pre section of the integrated amp... you definitely need to it t be quite or you will amplify it

@mulveling I don’t know about that assessment as the 12AU7 is used in the pre section of the integrated amp... you definitely need to it t be quite or you will amplify it

Oops, missed that part of your amp; assumed it was power only. I did not consider they might create 845 based amps in a "space saving" integrated form factor lol. Yep you need quiet 12au7 tubes. Stick to 12au7, 6189, cv4003, and (maybe) 5814 types then.

Andy at VTS (recommended below) can very carefully select for noise, but I’m not sure how his stock levels are these days, other than RCAs. Upscale Audio used to have some great vintage options (Platinum or Gold grades); most of them long gone now. Other than that you can play the buy-and-try game on ebay, or try some of the new production tubes.

I’ve used Arizona Tube Supply in the past for some of these tube types, and I like him. They are generally used but good quality tubes.