@curiousjim My preamp uses 12au7’s and I’ve tried PSVANE and will never buy them again and would suggest than nobody should buy from them!
Share more. While I have more vintage pairs of 12au7s than I care to recall - including RCAs, GE, Tungsram, the best of Blackburn Mullards, and more ---- and just sent back failed Gold Lyons, I’m currently running PSVANE 12au7, 12at7, factory direct for a year and no problems so far. My local dealer runs all OEM PSVANE made and rebranded for AudioNote, no major reports of failures.
Always curious where folks source their tubes from and how they get packed and shipped. The poorly packed and shipped tubes sure do seem to suffer past few years, fwiw. Always taking photos when I unbox to show packing, boxing, effort.