I often notice that people who have open reel decks and/or tube equipment are nicest

 around here on Audiogon. They are also usually very knowledgeable.

What's your impression?


I have both, and enjoy helping others, and hopping about learning about other people’s equipment, posting fun finds, but I only recommend equipment I have personal experience with, so I feel like an 8 Track tape, endless repeat. Here he goes again, you can see it coming ......

I also realize, I have more time than funds, many have the opposite, (time is wealth) thus used, upgrade, restore approaches inconceivable for many. 

That's simply not true.  The nicest people are the one's with meters on their amps.


Both of those relatively high maintenance 20th century technologies go for a premium price these days and require a special level of patience and dedication for sure.

Also gotta say I have never met a disagreeable Ohm Walsh owner. No joke!

They say good sound can have a calming effect on the soul and I agree with that.

We could do a study here where we compare systems of the grouches versus the good guys and see if there is a correlation to the systems they listen to. Could be the most meaningful study on good sound ever! I’d bet fatigue is a key factor. Also boredom.  Make it so!