@sns I’m well acquainted with placebo effect, been around the block a time or two over the decades....How one can conclude PC don’t affect dynamics which I could also define as current delivery, just as it does with pre’s, amps, sources is illogical to my way of thinking. I suppose some just aren’t as sensitive to these things as others.
I wasn’t suggesting you didn’t know about the placebo effect! lol. As you mention, a lot of factors are at work bringing your subs together (your special design PC, a 20 amp 10 AWG circuit, placement, crossover settings, high-level REL connectors.) I will take you at your word that the PC’s you’ve designed are playing a significant role among those ingredients. (In other words, if you swapped them out with all those other things in place, the quality would suffer.)
In my case, after doing a bunch of work, I have not had any persistent problems with placement, crossover settings, or other things. My subs, with all those pieces in place, are seamlessly integrated and tight. They measure well. When I experimented with power cords, there was no improvement. So, for me, the argument of "no difference" from a PC is based on personal experience, plus REL saying there’s no reason they can see for it to make a difference in theory nor in their trials.
P.S. I just want to add that, of course, in all cases the cord has to be large enough to meet the current demands of the device, and that a sub will tend to draw more current. That's why, to my understanding a 12ga cord makes sense. A 10ga can be used, but with a 20 amp circuit, the wall wire is 12ga. Still, 10ga won't hurt though it will cost more.