@sns Thanks for clarifying your setup. Since you have dedicated lines for 10AWG wiring, including lines dedicated to subs, I can see why a 10awg PC could help you obviate any possible current limitation, especially if the PC's that came with your sub came with were restricting their current requirements. (When I talked with REL, they explained that their PC's were sufficient for their subs.)
But I have to admit, your description helps me, as I've wired a new room with those kinds of outlets (and a dedicated breaker box), but I have not moved in there yet. When I do, I will reconsider my conclusions about PC's and subs. In my current room, with a 20 amp circuit, no dedicated outlets, and wall wire that is 12AWG, I could not hear a difference with PC's, BUT that's likely because my setup, unlike yours, prevents me from hearing the benefits that you can hear. My claims about not hearing a difference were probably falsely attributed to the PC.
I suppose others reading this advice might take away the reasonable conclusion that if they have a setup like mine, they may also not be able to hear a difference from a PC (due not to the PC but to the wider system).
My guess is that most people will have 12ga with a 20a circuit. So, for most, a 10ga cord probably won't matter unless they have a high-power sub and an 18ga cord. But if they have a setup like yours, the PC might matter.
I appreciate this exchange. I'm learning from it. Advice is always relative to someone's setup, and you've made me understand the difference between your (amazing) setup and my ordinary one.