Phono stages: Hagerman and Sun Valley 1616 possible giant killers

In the course of researching phono stages I came across two that if all the comments are true might certainly be giant killers ( defined by yours truly in the 5000 dollar price range ).  But alas, so much of what I read in reviews , both professional and audiogon users, doesn't always pan out.

So, has anyone had the opportunity to hear either the Hagerman Trumpet or the Sun Valley 1616? If so, I would be interested in your sonic thoughts.

As always, I appreciate your insights and would appreciate the absence of snark!


I highly recommend deHavilland

My friend bought two deHavilland tube pieces, brought them here, he is very familiar with my equipment/system sound. We love both of them here and at his house playing thru my old JSE Infinite Slope Model II's.

he ordered and waited for this Preamp

he found and bought a vintage dehavilland Cornet2 Tube Phono. The current tube phono is different, his had a rectifier tube, the current one does not.

I would expect it and other of her products to sound terrific.

I don't think that Kara ever designed a phono stage called the Coronet 2 (she is within driving distance of me). I believe that is a Hagerman phono preamp.

No experience with the Trumpet.

I have built a Bugle and Cornet.

I fully expect the Trumpet to compete with next level phono stages.

If you are not set on tubes, check out Darlington Labs.