The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.

Imagine doing a wine review as follows - samples of wines are assessed by a reviewer who measures multiple variables including light transmission, specific gravity, residual sugar, salinity, boiling point etc.  These tests are repeated while playing test tones through the samples at different frequencies.

The results are compiled and the winner selected based on those measurements and the reviewer concludes that the other wines can't possibly be as good based on their measured results.  

At no point does the reviewer assess the bouquet of the wine nor taste it.  He relies on the science of measured results and not the decidedly unscientific subjective experience of smell and taste.

That is the ASR approach to audio - drinking Kool Aid, not wine.


@prof What Do you claim to be “Good sound “ And why should someone agree with you?

I make no claims that suggest anyone should agree with me. I’m a vocal proponent of learning to choose on your own to suit your tastes. Fortunately, I don’t make a living suggesting audio products to others. I simply express my opinions on a forum when inspired to do so. When it comes to audio, I aim only to please myself, and I’ve come to trust my ears to do that, because that’s been my method for deciphering sounds since birth. It’s an amazingly sensitive natural system that can pick up on nuances...much tougher for microphones, measuring devices, and machines to pick up on those subtle cues that separate a sax from a clarinet.

"Good sound" to me is what tricks my brain into giving me an aural experience that’s similar to attending a good live musical performance. There’s an emotional connection that inspires and captures my attention. It’s natural, organic, textured, full of nuance, motion and emotion.... unlike microphones, measuring devices, and machines.

Even though it’s a highly personal selection that truly should be done by each of us, there are probably several members here who I’d trust to pick a system for me if it was necessary. Amir, would not be among them, because I simply do not trust that he could choose a system that would be satisfactory to me. Specs alone aren’t going suffice for picking my gear.

That makes perfect sense,  ASR is very consistent in their audio reviews also 

which are baseless and hold very little merit , they base specifications over its Sonic merits , That is why I Donot waste any time reading their nonsense .

+1 @2psyop 

Not sure why these ASR sucks threads keep coming up when half of the posters say they don't read ASR anyway.  It's just information, and no more or less significant than written reviews without context or full of personal bias.  Do your research, and then buy what you like. 

Do you buy wine based solely on a review?  Reviews can spark interest, but at some point you need to open a bottle and drink it yourself.



I likewise find this ASR bashing tedious. The guy seems sincere, writes pretty well and, as far as I know hasn't been accused of treason or wifebeating. Let's  give it a rest.