ASR Review:
Over the years, I've read a small handful of ASR speaker reviews. I've noted the following characteristics:
1. The primary focus of all the reviews were the measurement results
2. In spite of that, the essential imperfection of speakers means that the interpretation of these results is subjective.
3. Any listening impressions were brief and at the end of the review.
4. All were based on hooking up 1 speaker only. I believe he only listens on-axis.
5. He may (perhaps always) apply EQ to the input signal and A/B the results.
6. The room (and likely, the equipment) used in testing is at his convenience. For example, large speakers are tested in a sub-optimal room, rather than his listening room.
7. In the few reviews I've read, the listening tests were used to confirm the measurement results.
8. I've not made an effort to see how non "domes & cones" speakers fare in his testing.
It does appear that Amir is aware of and somewhat sensitive to the concerns regarding his review methodology. If you value stereo imaging, his listening tests will probably be singularly unpersuasive. I haven't (and probably won't) read enough of his speaker reviews to know if his measurement & listening results ever differ.
The testing methodology ASR utilizes is efficient, which enables them to review equipment much more quickly. However, the knowledge gained is also limited by the process. The results are thus most useful for the least discriminating.