Thank you all.
Each of you has echoes precisely what has been going through my mind.
oddiofyl; Yes, the C3G is indeed rare, but they are available, As an output stage tube, they should last a vey long time. I would buy a spare set to have on the shelf. I will look at both my Hickock and Jackson tube testers to see if they can accommodate the C3G.
roxy54; My sentiments exactly. A well built R2R non-upsampling dac with native 24/192 with tube rectification and analog output stage.
whart; You are correct in your assessment of my reason for posting this. In the business I am in, and have been for over 40 year, I am fortunate to have relationships with many component suppliers who can find and provide whatever I may need. I'm in SC, but I have a sister company in NJ who's sole purpose is to deal with obsolescence in the military electronics world. My first area of concern would be any electrolytic cap's which are over ten years old and the degree of decay they may have.
Thank you, Alan