1. Keep it simple. look to simplify your system, not complicate it. I like to keep the signal path as simple as possible so I don’t add components. avoid widgets that promise magical improvement. Use good compaonent and good materials. I upgrade wires (not cables) and connectors more than components.
2. Don’t make changes based on reviews and recommendations. Follow the money and you realize that some very compelling words are written to sell you things. Make changes because you understand what you are trying to do and you think the new component will do it. Don’t try to solve problems that don’t exist just because a dealer or a reviewer suggests it. You may have to do weeks or months of research to understand a change you are considering.
3. Tube rolling is fun and can be fruitful. However, don’t expect miracles. there is a good chance the tubes that are in it are there for a good reason. I just spent several hundred dollars trying different driver tubes and decided to stick with the ones in it, although a different pair of the same tubes. I am still searching for a special variety of this tube. I don’t consider this wasted money. then next pair of tubes, the output tubes, can be several thousand dollars to do tube rolling.
4. Crossovers. most speakers have crossovers that use poor components compared to the price of the speaker. upgrading your crossovers is a fertile ground. I’ve had very positive results. Again keep it simple. Not a beginner DIY project. You’ll need a friend who understands electronics as it isn’t as simple as choosing better components of the same values.
5.Patience. from your posts I don’t think that this is your greatest virtue. Move slowly, do lots of reading, make your own decisions. when you do make a decision, sleep on it and be self critical before making a change.