Start by assessing what you like about the sound you are getting and what improvements you want. Keep in mind that anything that you do, if it is at all effective, alters the sound and that can be for better or worse. Be prepared to accept that something you do might have to undone. I am amazed at how many threads talking about power cords, interconnects and tweaks have very little comment about changes that were detrimental when there should be a lot more instances where a change in sound went the wrong way. It helps to be more open minded about one’s own purchases.
With tube gear, I would start with trying different tubes based on commonly shared experiences reported about tubes. Some tubes are warmer sounding, or more dynamic and detailed sounding, etc. I would start with the cheaper tubes, which tend to small signal input and driver tubes. Even though they can be much more expensive, consider vintage tubes—many are much better than current production.
Interconnects and speaker cables would be next for me; they tend to make a bigger difference than power cords. But, if you are using the cords that came with the gear, junk that and go with something a little better before searching for the ultimate set of power cords. You will hear differences between very good chords, but that difference is comparatively subtle and more evident when you have dialed in the rest of your system.
Vibration damping/control via specialized racks, equipment footers, etc. can have substantial impact on sound and I personally find it is easy to overdo this and end up going the wrong way. Sometimes you don’t even know you goofed until you pull all the stuff out and find out that you now like your system more.