Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it?

I’m just interested on how and why you purchased your gear. Did you hear it first? Did you research it endlessly? Did your dealer recommend it. What do you like most about it. Full disclosure. I’m with Infigo Audio. I just wonder how did most of us end up with our kits!


For me it was being in the right place and right time on a few occasions...I just sort of stumbled onto a good path early on, and things evolved from there. After getting my feet wet with a typical receiver, and an above average pair of a Mariah LS-2 speakers, I built a Hafler kit, started an audio club, met Bobby Palkovich and Ken Stevens, had a few pairs of Merlin speakers, several good amps, went to several CES shows with those gentleman, then started building speakers on my own.

By 1989 I was designing the speakers I still use today, which was around the same time my uncle gave me his Dynakit 70. An audio buddy of mine refreshed the Dyna, and I bought a Lazarus tube preamp to complement it. Another factory wired Dyna 70 with only one working channel followed, and I used the two Dyna 70s as single channel monoblocks for years. That setup became the heart and soul of my current system.

Life and family needs prevented me from spending much time on the system while raising our kids, but by 2018 I started looking into refreshing the whole system. VTA mods went into both amps, the Lazarus got refreshed, the speakers got fresh ferrofluid, new copper inputs, and a powered subwoofer got added. By 2020 the amps were done and back in the system, everything had new tubes, I was back into vinyl, and pretty much fully back into audio as a hobby.

The same basic system continued to evolve, and get some refinements. A modified a Hagerman Bugle phono stage got added, then I added a DAC to my old CD player. I modified the power supplies to both new additions. More mods and tube rolling to the amps followed, a new bi-amp configuration with active crossover, along with some opamp mods to the DAC bring me to 2025 as a very happy and grateful listener.

Research by reading trade publications to determine equipment within my means that have SQ attributes I cherish.  For electrical components, going out of my way to audition that equipment in as a controlled manner as I can, either bringing my current equipment to the dealer and going head to head in their system, or getting a demo unit installed in my system. Of course, this process was not used for speakers do to shipping costs.  Choosing equipment that meets my idea of timbral accuracy, dynamic/emotional expression, and natural staging/imaging in that order.  I only use dealer input for information on compatibility.  

I have two systems that I love. My upstairs system is BAT VK-33SE tube preamp, BAT VK-75SE tube power amp with Shunyata power conditioners, speaker cables and power cables, Focal 1037 Be speakers with Beryllium tweeters and associated subwoofer, Oppo BDP-105D disc player and Steve Blinn stereo rack and amp stand.  My downstair system is BAT VK-31SE tube preamp, BAT-VK 600SE solid state power amp, Ayre CD-5xeMP CD player, BSG Technologies Signal Completion Stage, Legacy Focus SE speakers, Shunyata power conditioners and power cables, Kimber Kable speaker cables, Kimber cable interconnects, Steve Blinn stereo rack and amp stand, VPI Classic turntable. I arrived at these systems over 50 years of listening and upgrading. I am very happy with the sound of both systems. I highly recommend BAT and Legacy to anyone looking to upgrade their systems. Check them out if you are looking to upgrade.  Victor Khomenko at BAT and Bill Duddleston at Legacy are both amazing designers and are willing to discuss their equipment and ideas with you.