Decware with those Heresys
PrimaLuna EVO 400 v Cary SLI-100
I've never owned anything other than solid state but I am increasingly intrigued with tubes. Thinking of "investing" $5K or so in an all-tube integrated to (at least initially) drive my Klipsch Heresys. Any thoughts on these two choices? Is there another choice in this range?
A great idea. I slowly moved into tubes over the decades as I upgraded my systems. I wish that I had done it faster.
Primaluna will be more neutral and the Cary warmer, more tubelike and musical. I would recommend listening to an Audio Research I-50 before you buy. Incredibly musical and natural sounding with much more rhythm and pace than the two you are considering or other recommendations. This amp produces music. |
Hear essentially the same performance as the PL EVO 400 and save a considerable amount off cash by looking at the Dialogue HP- previous generation. The money saved can be used for an upgraded power cord and replacing the 2 innermost preamp tubes with NOS, which are the "money" slots. Without the 2 upgrades you get 90% of the EVO400. Plenty of positive user reviews and it will drive your Heresys as intended. PL build/features and value win over the Cary. Sure Cary SLI is a nice piece, made in USA. That's about it. Longtime PL user.
Fantastic, thank you for the views and suggestions, super helpful. What I see so far as worth checking out, and I will seek them out at AXPONA in April (Chicago): PrimaLuna EVO 300/400, or consider the previous gen, Dialogue More suggestions, and cautions, welcome! |