Cary Audio SKI-80 HS…PL Dialogue…both great…
PrimaLuna EVO 400 v Cary SLI-100
I've never owned anything other than solid state but I am increasingly intrigued with tubes. Thinking of "investing" $5K or so in an all-tube integrated to (at least initially) drive my Klipsch Heresys. Any thoughts on these two choices? Is there another choice in this range?
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- 26 posts total
The bottom line is we can all tell you our stories and what we hear... But your hearing and listening room may not even produce what you want to hear from our equipment if in your room... The bottom line is try and go and listen to a few and see if you can bring it home and try it.. Not Until you hear in your own space will you know if tubes are for you...And listen to what others are saying about tubes and try and get close to best tubes when you listen to first time..Try and find others that knows these units you are thinking about and chat with them a while on their tube selection ....I was lucky enough to start with Raven Audio and owner Dave knew his machines so well and I explained that I had tinnitus and he would send me tubes to see what matched my hearing and give me best quality sound..I had Osprey for 5 years and Dave over those years shared with me some very nice tubes to keep me happy ..Like anything you purchase over time you will get tired of it and want a change and nothing big but little detail will spark your hearing again ..Just a change of tubes weather power tubes or pre amp ...just 2 pre amp and what a change can make...But if you get hooked with tube amp sound chances are you enjoy many years of sound you never heard from a solid state...But remember not all songs play through tubes as they do through solid state .. I find tubes break down a song and segregate sound to speakers and solid state keeps it more tighter in sound..This is what I hear from tubes vs solid state.. I also find that some songs I luv and using KT88 tubes they are to airy and need say a 6550 power tubes ..Nothing is perfect ... + / _ no matter what you listen to.. |
@mattsca If you want any one of these amps noted by @trivema , feel free to message me, my colleague with the Hersey speakers is thinking he is going to put his Inspire by Dennis Had Firebottle amps up for sale on USAM including - Inspire 300B, Inspire KT88 amps. Also he still has a standard Cary SLI-80 that will be listed too. The Klipsch Hersey 4s will be listed too. He's stalling a bit, and loves all of it, would love to keep it all - but can't. He had to change his room and went to a basic integrated setup for his family, and making life changes. Feel free to msg. |
Some good advice here. Your Heresy Speakers are very efficient at 99db. You can easily get away with a low powered amp and have the ability to then use single ended triode class A amps that use wonderful sounding tubes like 300B, 845 or other amps with EL34 tubes. Any of these would be likely be a better sonic match to your speakers than at KT type based amp. Also consider that as you go up in power you may increase the number of output tubes thus increasing the cost when retubing. Additionally moderate to high powered amps can create more background noise at low to moderate volume with speakers of high efficiency. Stay under 40watts per channel. |
- 26 posts total