PrimaLuna EVO 400 v Cary SLI-100

I've never owned anything other than solid state but I am increasingly intrigued with tubes.  Thinking of "investing" $5K or so in an all-tube integrated to (at least initially) drive my Klipsch Heresys.  Any thoughts on these two choices?  Is there another choice in this range?


To @mattsca one question I forgot to ask. What SS integrated/amplification do you have now, and do plan to keep it to rotate back to once in a while if you buy a tube amp?

The reason for asking is many of us own and use more than one amp, and if we go to low-power tube amps (for example) we can also go back to our other higher power SS or tube amps if we crave additional power drive once in a while.

If you are thinking of completely replacing your SS amp, reselling that, then maybe a higher power vs. lower power integrated tube amplifier might be a consideration, [if that makes sense], and if that’s what you are more use to with your Klipsch today.

Low power tube amps, say under 8 watts, is its own game, tubes, speciality amps, and some end up chasing that for years, trying many different amps, expensive WE300B tubes and more. Then hoarding spare tubes, more expenses. IF you share a little more about what your wants/needs/plans are, more here can assist after going down many of these different rabbit holes many of us never pop out of for decades. Next thing ya know, there are 3-5 more tube amps lying around, relatively quickly, its a disease, LOL :)

First off, I have to say how much I appreciate all the comments, opinions, and suggestions on this string. They’ve been really helpful and informative on a topic I am brand new to. Thank you, each of you!

To @decooney’s question, my current setup is Roon-directed; Eversolo A6 (or Bluesound Node Nano); Dual CS 529 TT; McIntosh C53 Pre; McIntosh MC312 Amp; B&W 702 S3; REL T/7x pair; with good-not-great interconnects. My Heresys are secondary speakers right now. I am undecided on if I place a tube integrated in the same room, or perhaps set it up with my Klipsch in my master bedroom (which is large enough for a sitting area). I do plan on keeping my SS system in place, not getting rid of anything - I really like it.

Based on the great comments thus far, I am starting to draw the following conclusions:

- Whatever I get, it’s likely not going to be a stopping place - the tube world is too wonderfully diverse to think I will have heard all worth hearing.

- As a novice, the PrimaLuna design has the appeal of being less high maintenance, more worry-free

- No need for power above 40-45 watts or so, and tube replacement costs for lower powered rigs is appealing

- A PrimaLuna downside (perhaps) is that the sound signature may be the least contrast to the reasonably warm SS sound I have today versus other tube offerings

- There are some really beautiful tube amps out there!

To @mattsca if you are enamored by the weight and body elements your MC312 amp and Rel subs offer today on your main system, I think its going to take a special tube amplifier with real iron transformers to capture your attention with your Hersey speakers.  This is where personal taste with trial and error begins.  

A friend of mine with all 3 models of Herseys has been through about ten different lower power SET, PSE Triode, and higher power Push Pull tube amps with his Herseys. All of the best tubes in the world too, btw. Each amp type and design gave its own presentation and result. He loved them all for different reasons, delicacy, and more.  Many lacked drive, with "tradeoffs" he reports.   Go figure, today he runs a higher power integrated solid state amp for other reasons, yet now realizes some of the differences going back full circle to where he started. Now has an entire room full of tubes to get rid of, fwiw.    

Best of luck on the journey. :)  


It might be helpful to inject some cross-slang here and see if any insightful daydreams come forth.
