One box solution

Hello Everyone, 

I finally hit a wall with my health, I am almost 72 and have to downsize and move to a facility. It’s a very nice place but a lot smaller and my current set up can’t go so it’s all going in to storage. 

I am looking for a one box solution, the Naim Uniti Atom comes to mind but I am looking for better if that’s possible. My budget is 15k or less and has to have a remote, I don’t get around so good. Actually need bookshelf type speaker suggestions too…so 15k or less for speakers and 15k or less for a all in one intergrated…I will only stream so the box needs to have a Dac and everything built in, airplay,and Quboz…maybe the Uniti Atom is the best solution but was hoping for something better…thanks..



Sorry to hear about your situation.

If I was presented with this situation I would find good high end dealer and trade in all your old system components and buy the very highest level you can. Storage at this time of life makes little sense... I'm 73. Buy buying up you will get more from your old equipment and will get a really high quality one box... would two do it? Linn Klimax + amp.

What part of the country do you live in?

lots of choices for speakers, how loud can they be?

I would go with Simaudio for the all in one

You might want good streaming headphones, with easy volume and mute, and tied into your TV so you can hear the TV without bothering others, mute temporarily for the 1,000 interruptions, back to it.

You can stream a variety of music genres thru your Smart TV’s Cable Box, some TVs have DVD/CD players built-in.


I live in Seattle, I have Pass Labs preamp two Pass amps… I will make a few calls..that’s a good idea … I don’t need the money from them but if I could donate all the gear and help some charity that would be good..


+1 @grannyring I've heard great things from very discriminating folks on this forum (such as brownsfan) about Lyngdorf.