@apollinaire - just to continue the thought experiment....
resistors - I would think that would depend on what resistors are currently in the Yamamoto and which ones are in the signal path. Considering the price point you are at, the existing resistors are probably not trash. Thus I would think only minimal improvement or difference.
capacitors - Probably the most likely to change the sound/voicing of the amp. Again, depends what is in there now and where in the signal path. Would it be better or worse? or just be different?
tube sockets - I would think it would be minimal change in sound, if any. Changing them may be more about durability than sound quality, especially if you are swapping tubes a lot. (At the price range the Yamamoto is in, I would think they are not using 25 cent, bulk purchased by the shipping container, sockets used in the $300 Chinese integrateds on eBay. (No offence to the builders of said units. We understand you have price points you have to meet.)