Due to a recent change in speakers, I decided I needed a more powerful set of monoblock amps than my Herron M2 class A/B amps (160 watts each) which were matched with a Herron VTSP-360 tube preamp.
I decided to give the PS Audio M1200 Stellar monoblocks a try. They are Class D, and 600 watts each. They have a single tube in the input stage.
This turned out to be a nice pairing, providing the power needed for my power hungry Gershman Studio xDB speakers while giving up nothing in sound quality to the Herron amps, which sound amazing, but just didn’t have enough grunt for the Gershmans.
I also have an older Wyred 4 Sound stereo amp in a second system paired with an ARC LS26 and Klipsch Quartet speakers. The W4S amp is just a little rolled off in the treble, which results in better control of the "shouty" nature of the Klipsch speakers. It’s in a bedroom system and not set up ideally or ever played very loud, but sounds great at moderate volumes. It could be a nice main system for someone on a budget.