Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it?

Open forum for those who have actually tried this.  Really curious to know who has been happy, or maybe unhappy, with a tube preamp driving a Class D amplifier?

Of course, tube pre with a solid state amp is a classic pairing for hard to drive speakers, especially ESL's.   This is a little different.   I'm really curious to know what pres and Class D amps have had great synergy.


Due to a recent change in speakers, I decided I needed a more powerful set of monoblock amps than my Herron M2 class A/B amps (160 watts each) which were matched with a Herron VTSP-360 tube preamp.

I decided to give the PS Audio M1200 Stellar monoblocks a try. They are Class D, and 600 watts each. They have a single tube in the input stage.

This turned out to be a nice pairing, providing the power needed for my power hungry Gershman Studio xDB speakers while giving up nothing in sound quality to the Herron amps, which sound amazing, but just didn’t have enough grunt for the Gershmans.

I also have an older Wyred 4 Sound stereo amp in a second system paired with an ARC LS26 and Klipsch Quartet speakers. The W4S amp is just a little rolled off in the treble, which results in better control of the "shouty" nature of the Klipsch speakers. It’s in a bedroom system and not set up ideally or ever played very loud, but sounds great at moderate volumes. It could be a nice main system for someone on a budget.

I use Atma-Sphere Class D amps during the summer with an Atma-Sphere tube preamp.  It’s a very nice combination as you might expect.  I still prefer the Atma-Sphere tube amp during the remainder of the year unlike some who have reported here in the past, including its maker.  Like everything else in this hobby synergy is the key.

I have a Shindo preamp into Quicksilver V4 monos(170w into 8 & 4 ohms w/kt150s). Went to a difficult stand speaker, 85 dB, 4 ohm dipping down to 3.2, ouch!  Tried class D power amps because of the drip in impedance, base got faster but everything else, (ie, what I call tube magic) was lost. 

Class D has its place in my opinion, just not in a critical listening environment when the life of the music is most important.  

@daytrader bass got faster but everything else, (ie, what I call tube magic) was lost. Class D has its place in my opinion, just not in a critical listening environment when the life of the music is most important.  

+1, yep, and the difference is notable when comparing to good tube amplifier designs and tubes. Getting closer but not there yet [in most cases]. A few designers claim to be as good as or better now with Class-D, and hope they keep working at it. Will be interesting to see more Class-D powering all parts of the main speakers [not just low freq] showing up at the shows next few years, as tbd.  

dehavilland 6SN7 style preamp into hypex amp. Very nice combo but still a bit sterile in mids and bright/forward in highs.