Who has kids that are in a band or have been?

My son was majorly into playing in a band and recording music. He spent a lot of money (with help from dad) on equipment and recording fees. They recorded a full length cd and had an album release show. Then covid hit. All of the venues shut down. During that time, the drummer got married, the lead singer lost interest, and one member passed away from a fluke accident. My son plays lead guitar.

It was a fun time. Going to shows, etc. I figured the chances of them making it big were a long shot, but gotta try.

Anyone have stories to share?

They recorded a few low budget videos. Below is one of them. Recorded in their basement. Garrett said he was soaked in beer by the end of the video. Lol.






Cool video!

Most of my kids were involved with music at some level. My oldest son has been in a couple of local bands, and it was always fun to go out and hear them, but in the overall scheme of things, they were nothing special beyond their loyal circle of friends and family.

My youngest daughter on the other hand, is extremely talented, has sung in All Eastern (USA), and All National choirs, won several awards, soloed in front of a full choir and orchestra on a PBS Christmas show that was aired over 650 PBS stations. She’s sung with the local philharmonic in the gorgeous Eastman Theater a few times, and has opted to teach music. She’s still working on her master’s degree at FSU during the summers. There were a lot of proud parent moments during those years, and I suppose there could be more, but she’s not actively pursuing a singing career at this time. Most of her performances were classical in nature, but she has performed a couple of times with a local band that played hits from 70s, 80s, and 90s. Hearing her with the band, and being able to hoot and holler with a beer in my hand is a blast! (vs clapping politely at the classical performances wink)




I don’t have any kids in a band but I have had many friends and relatives that played in various bands over the years.

Currently, some friends who are about 10 years my junior play in a local band as their “full-time” gig (I think the wives supplement their income). They have produced some really catchy songs, but for whatever reason, much to my and other’s protests, they’ve chosen not to have those songs professionally recorded. One of their songs in particular is incredibly radio worthy IMO but they apparently don’t share my sentiment. Sometimes I suspect they are fearful of success, or perhaps their spouses are.

Since I live in a “red state” and “lockdown” lasted for all of two weeks, Covid didn’t put much a damper on local performers.


I’m no videographer but it looks to me like your son’s video was well produced. Too bad they dis-banded. 

My son doesn't like to listen to his cd.  Doesn't like to talk about it.  He put so much time and effort into it without much success. 

I really like their music. The entire cd is on YouTube. Maybe Amazon and Spotify. Sons of Stereo - Truth and Other Lies. They went for a unique sound. They wrote and recorded all of their songs.

During that time, he got me interested in collecting guitars as an investment. I got a little carried away and now I have a bunch of them.  Lol.