Preamplifier options - seeking help to determine which one

Hello everyone


I have made a number of posts already and I hope you are not yet annoyed with all my beginner questions. 

I will proceed with a Yamamoto amplifier and I will need a preamplifier with a phono stage that allows my Denon 103R. 

Yamamoto makes two preamplifiers

1) Yamamoto Sound Craft CA-03 Vacuum tube preamplifier with built-in tube phono encoder 

2) Yamamoto Sound Craft CA-04 Tube Type Line Level Preamplifier

Ad. 1: This preamplifier is more expensive that CA-04 and it comes in two versions: Double volume adjustment or Level Attenuator - the latter being a bit more expensive. What is the difference here and what do you recommend me to choose? 

It allows for MC pickups but "Since the maximum output is about 28V, it can be used not only for MC cartridges, but also for MM cartridges with large output and MC cartridges with high output" - will it be a problem to use a Denon 103R with low output? Will it be necessary with a SUT to make the Denon 103R to perform better?

Ad. 2. This option is less expensive. It seems more simple but I'm not sure what the difference to the CA-03 really is. I guess I would need a external phono stage or a SUT to allow my Denon 103R in the system.


Bonus question: I use an Apple Airport (yes, I know) to stream from Qobuz. Can I use the Airport with both options using an AUX or CD input just as I'm doing with my current Sansui AU 9500? It's just to be sure.


Thank you very much. I hope you can help me elaborating on the differences and explain the different terms (attenuator, line amplifier, etc.). 



All is about synergy here for sure but as pre-amp for the price i will go Berning ZOTL too though ...

I regret  it because i used it as headphone amp and the synergy was not there for my picky AKG 340... But i regret  it as a pre-amp which i did not need at the time...

Then the difference of price is big and Berning is a genius then ... I concur with this suggestion ...

We build a 6SN7 based tube preamp 2 chassis for $9k.  If you are interested, I can send one to you for an evaluation.


Happy Listening.

Thank you very much for your very nice recommendations. 

I will look into the option of Berning ZOTL and your great offer, Bigkidz.

However I think I initially will prioritize synergy and therefore my inquiry is regarding the specific differences and an explanation of the terminology used. Perhaps you can assist me with that. 

Honestly I wish you luck but your theoretical approach to component selection seems more about buying into the marketing hype of a company most of us have never heard of than actual user experience or sound. Their website is heavy on that but really doesn’t say much about product design, specs, etc. That tube or its equivalent is used in a lot of medium-quality Chinese hardware, but pretty much nowhere else. Lots of experienced audiophiles and music lovers here but nobody seems to have heard of or listened to the products you prefer. Try going out and listening to actual equipment. Hope things work out.

I’d reach out to Yamamoto to see which Pre they recommend pairing with your amplifier.  Synergy should be great with both but they may have designed one of them to specifically pair with your amp.  The double volume sounds like it’s a different label / terminology for a balance adjustment.  Attenuation could mean several different things, could refer to gain as already referenced but without the ability to adjust attenuation or could be referencing the Pre’s ability to adjust the attenuation / gain.  The ability to adjust the gain, attenuation if that’s what it references would be relevant when trying to match gain from various components.  Shouldn’t be needed from your Pre to Amp if designed by the same manufacture and designed to pair together.  As others have said, without understanding the lingo, tough to know what’s meant by some of the terms describing the various features.  Attenuation could just mean one pre applies gain and the other is passive.  

The more expensive unit could be targeting pairing their pre with other manufactures equipment, that’s where gain / attenuation matching becomes more critical. 

Good Luck!