How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase

I plan on buying a McIntosh system C12000 and 2 MC611 monoblocks in a about 3 months from this Stereo shop I have chosen. I’ve been to the store about 4 times over the past year and half to listen to various components trying diff equipment.

My question, is, what would be considered visiting the store to much before I buy a system? I plan on spending over 20k but I didn’t know what is proper etiquette.

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Just a recommendation, but if you plan to go for another audition, and this would take up the employees time and effort, do so when they are not likely to be busy with other customers.  Not that high end audio shops tend to be packed these days, but if you see the sales guys with multiple customers, maybe you should pick another day/time?  I don’t know, but maybe avoid Saturday around noon?  Don’t show up 30 minutes before closing?  If you see the sales guy surfing on his phone on a Tuesday morning, perfect.  

If there a great dealer and get to know you they should not have to spend much time in the room with you.i have the mc12000 and 611 great synergy  and more and American made.if they truly are smart they could have a customer for life. In my area the brick and morter stores are 4 hours away.enjoy the search and the music.

Do they know that you intend to buy and your reason for waiting? 

My first job out of college was retail audio sales.  Nothing high end.  Stuff like Onkyo Integra and Acoustic Research. Decent stuff in the mid 80s. If I had a dime for every time somebody auditioned gear, said they would come back to buy, and didn't....