To @jmeyers -
- What amplifier are you running and can it handle down into 2-ohm loads?
How about dips into 2.6 ohms, more specifically. Your other speakers were 6 ohms. These are 4 ohms nominal, and dip down if you trust this SP test graph for reference. There was another member here who experienced something similar, different speaker, same type of situation as I recall. We ended up figuring out his tube amps and others had some trouble driving the speakers at low impedance and it becomes shrill, harsh, not fun to listen to for long periods.
Worth checking this more and comparing A5 speaker versions, and worth asking Magico more on what amps are best to use. One of the tests, they used a mighty Boulder amp in a few tests and people mention trying some Pass amps to fwiw. See the comments below about "no tube amps", worth noting as well.
Yes, looking at the crossovers and caps used, some 250+ hr break-in can help some, but I’d first be looking closely at what amp capability you have now, and compare from there. Apparently this is known about needing an extra capable amplifier to drive these well. My question is about what happens to the sound when other parts of the frequency experiences impedance dips like this. Others wil chime in, I suspect.
Maybe you have this covered already, good luck.
Stereophile article, for reference: