Who has found happiness giving up cd player?

My system consists of Amati Anniversario speakers, Boulder 865 integrated amp, and Esoteric X-03 player. I like it. But I want to move to computer based sources. And if I do that, I'd like to go completely computer based, trade in my X-03 while my dealer will still give me full credit for it.

I've explored a lot of options. I know about the options with Mac or PC, through XLR or asynchronous USB or firewire, but I still don't know what to do. Go with something relatively cheap like the Ayre QB-9, and wait for the SOTA to advance? Invest in a dCS dac, upsampler, and clock, and expect to keep that for a long, long time? I like the idea of investing for the long term, but I don't want to end up enjoying my ripped CD's less than through my X-03.

It doesn't help that auditioning opportunities are somewhat limited, especially with my speakers and amp. Or that my dealer is adamant that I won't be happy replacing my X-03 with any computer based source, for redbook.

So my question is, has anyone found happiness replacing a mid range player like mine (or better) with an entirely computer based source? Anyone miss their transports?

I had the X03 and loved it like you, I found my nirvana with PC audio using a GNSC modded Wadia 521 DAC running direct to my amp. Running Jriver and ASIO drivers.
I come not to dispute tastes, but to inquire of them :-)

I like to watch. Whoops, wrong forum!
iTunes + PerfectWave DAC = pure joy. I do not miss my Musical Fidelity TriVista SACD player one bit.
Check out the Tranquility dac at www.dbaudiolabs.com. Its a USB DAC that recently went head to head with Ayre, PS Audio, Wavelegth, Berkley and others and clearly was the winner. I'm loving mine and looking forward to selling my CDP.
After working with the computer all day, I feel happy to fire up my CDP at the end of the day.