Best 2CH SACD Player for $2k Or Less, New or Used?

There are some threads similar, but the newest is over 2 years old. I would appreciate your thoughts on what you fell is the best 2 channel SACD player available, new or used, for $2k or less.

I need a quality, well built player to ensure my ability to play my SACDS well for the coming years, as I expect not many players will be available before long.

Thanks for any recommendations.
I was leaning heavily towards the Sony 5400. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

Any modded players that might be selling used, that I should also consider?
Look into a used Modwright Sony 9100 w/tube power supply and if you could find a used Modwright 5400 with the same ps even better. The Modwright mod on it is disarmingly good sounding compared to the standard and is as good sounding as any player at ridiculous prices. The 999 or 9000 are older Sony mods that also sound excellent. Each version is a little better. The Modwright mods make the units dynamic, transparent, detailed, and more beautiful sounding. Dan also does a current mod on the Oppo 95 (extremely good), or find a used Oppo 83. All these players are cd/sacd, but the Oppos will also play any format. You will not do better for the money and you will have to spend stupid money (10,000+) to do marginally better and some areas might still be a downgrade. I've had the 9000 and now have a 9100 and it will not be replaced unless it craps out--although Dan would definitely fix it reasonably. I also had another highly rated on reviews mod while I had the 9000, just to compare sound of mods. It really was no comparison. Any of the players I've mentioned had much more immediacy, dynamics, live qualities, detail, and layering of sound than a $3000.00 Ayre CX-7, to give a reference. Comparatively, the Ayre (a very good and well built player) sounds like boring background music.
Yes,the Oppo 95 is impressive even in it's stock form.
I use it to play 2ch. SACD & 5.1 SACD,HDCD and also is a very fine DVD and Blue-ray player. At $999.00 nothing out there can beat it at more than twice the price.
A Nordost Shive or Shunyata Venom powercord is recommended.