Are CD players dead

I went to an audiophile meeting today and the owner of the store said Cd's and cd players are dead. He said you need to start learning about computer audio or you will be left behind. Is what he is saying true?
Computer audio is not ready for the majority of people yet. Servers and related software are either a little clunky or too expensive and music download selection is sparse.

There are people who enjoy trying to figure out why they can't get their computer to work properly. I'm not one of them though.

If you want to load your cds onto a server, and some people think that you should, you can do that but there's no reason you can't keep playing them on a player.

Finally, there are billions of cds in the US alone(approximately 235 million sold just last year). Much of that music will not be pressed onto vinyl or offered as downloads. I think people will buy cds for some time to come, especially if they get real cheap.
At first I thought,"How many times will this question come up?" But it was the last time around that got me thinking and trying and now I'm convinced that although CDs are not dead, they are an endangered species.

I'm still keeping my CDP and will probably end up with an Olive music server and bypass my iMac entirely but that will be some time to come. Having tasted better I can't go back.

I imagine a hybrid CDP that can rip/store as well as play will be the next step to ween the late bloomers amongst us. Even if you can't afford to dive into computer audio, read up as much as you can to stay ahead of the curve: technology proceeds at an alarming rate.
Nope...I prefer memory readers vs.. cd transports.

I have better things to do than tranfer/rip 3000 CD's to a hardrive..., I know there are alot of people who think the same way. YMMV
Roxy54 and Rocketman,
Agree with both of you, enough already with this redundant topic.Millions upon millions of CDs with millions of folks who still enjoy and buy them.
This topic has become boring but I feel compelled to make a comment. It is interesting that the poster of this thread mentioned that it was "the owner of the store" who made the comment that CDs are dead. Of course they want you to believe that CDs are dead because they realize that CDs have reached the saturation point with consumers. The only way they will make money from you in the future is if they can convince that the newest format has made all others obsolete. If you are over 50, you've seen this movie before. Remember tapes and records!? You probably have most of your favorite music in several formats
(possibly all the previous formats), so do you really need
another? I'm keeping my turntable, cassette players and CD
players forever, and the software that goes with them. If
they are successful in replacing CDs with servers and downloads, I'll be the guy at the Goodwill store sorting through the racks and buying CDs at 10 for $1.00. Thanks!