PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade

Paul McGowan has leaked some information about a major upgrade the perfectwave DAC that will be coming out within the next few weeks. Pricing as of yet unknown, but current units will be field (DIY) upgradable.

Apparently, major changes were made to the digital processing board, involving changes in the powersupplies, and replacement of CMOS switching for the gates and clocking with analog switches.

Second, new jitter reducing circuitry called NativeX was implemented.

There are more as of yet unannounced new features.

Apparently, SQ on all inputs will benefit, including the bridge. Exciting stuff.
Mrtennis, There was a recent review in Stereophile on one of the Peachtree DAC/integrated amps, IIRC. The reviewer loved it but John Atkinson's measurements showed high levels of jitter.

The manufacturer's comments stated that they had not bothered to measure the jitter because they were so happy with the sound of the unit. They added that since they had been made aware of the jitter they had taken steps to reduce it and all the unit that were currently available had gotten this fix. It was pretty funny.
Just received and installed my upgraded board this afternoon. Very simple process to say the least. As good as the PWD was/is......this upgrade takes it to yet another level. Space, detail, layers and separation have all been improved. And this with only a few hours of listening. Both the bridge and the PWT have benefitted from this upgrade IMHO. Plan on doing another comparison of the two when things get settled in. I can already tell they are closer now but will wait and see.

the new native x mode is fabulous!!. You can hear the difference immediately and obviously. Hi res left me speechless.....really!
Update on the PWD MKII

Shipping has begun and mine is here singing with the biggest jump in SQ that I have experienced in a long time.
48 hours left to get the "early" pricing and February delivery.

Mine was the first one but others have started receiving and posting here.

Eat your words non believers!
I too have the MKII installed. I would, however, classify the differences that I am hearing as subtle, so I want to get a better idea of what to listen for. I would be interested to hear about some specifics regarding what you guys, Levi, Grobec...others, are hearing. What specifically are the immediate and obvious differences that you are referring to?

