HDMI dembedder option for DAC use?

While trolling the web I ran into a computer audiophile thread on this device Atlona AT-HD570


I'd love to take SACD player higher bit rate HDMI output and feed it into the Dlink III DAC. Does anyone have experience using this or a like device; can it work well with a regular audio DAC, better than the CD format out direct to DAC?
It will work for 2 channel output but whether you will appreciate any improvement in quality depends on many (as yet undefined) variables.
For your scheme to work you need a device that will extract the DSD datastream from HDMI, convert it to a PCM datastream (perhaps 24/96) and output it on connection compatible with your DAC.

From its description the device does not appear to support extraction of a DSD datastream.
what caught my attention was the thread assertion that the Oppo players will sense whether the HDMI device supports DSD and convert to PCM since the HD-570 does not, at a higher bit rate than CD. Agreed that DSD to a standard DAC doesn't work. Heres the thread
