You can get fairly close with today's digital but not with a player, let alone a player at your budget.
I'm an analog snob and your description of what your current CDP setup sounds like is all to familiar. I finally managed to put together a computer audio setup that kills my tubed CDP and provides a great deal of the lushness and ease of analog. It's also much simpler to find a title and play it.
Many of the under 2K DAC's aren't that much better, so beware.
I'm an analog snob and your description of what your current CDP setup sounds like is all to familiar. I finally managed to put together a computer audio setup that kills my tubed CDP and provides a great deal of the lushness and ease of analog. It's also much simpler to find a title and play it.
Many of the under 2K DAC's aren't that much better, so beware.