How many switches do you have to flip the play a CD?

So it occurred to me the other day that I have to flip at least five switches to play a CD: one on each of my power amplifiers, one on my preamp, one on my digital to analog converter, one on the CD player (which I am only using as a transport) and another one on the DAC to make sure it's using the correct input.

And we wonder why high-end audio isn't a mainstream hobby? :-)

Anybody have to flip even more switches to play a CD?
My CDP is on all the time so it's one switch for the integrated, one for 'open tray', the insertion of the disc itself, 'close' and then 'play'.

What's all the hubbub?

All the best,
I have often pointed this out to friends who are non-audiophiles to point out the lengths to which we audiophiles go. All they do is turn on their receiver and the CD player (which they could leave on) and they have music. Leaving aside whether I leave something on 24/7, I have to turn on two preamp chasis, four amplifiers, an outboard crossover, a DAC and a transport to play a CD. So that's 9. Do I win something for that?
Oops, I forgot the mute switches for each preamp chasis. So make that 11. And for vinyl, you take out the transport and DAC but add the phono preamp, Walker Motor Drive, turntable motor and vacuum pump, so that would be 13. Good thing I don't have a power conditioner that needs to be switched on...
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My CDP is on all the time so it's one switch for the integrated, one for 'open tray', the insertion of the disc itself, 'close' and then 'play'.

Same sequence for me.