Lampizator question

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007

I’m glad you’ve grown to love your Briscati and am sorry we were unable to take it in on trade for a Big 7 when you contacted me on February 24, 2015... I think what you’ve said about our organization is unfair, ill informed and unnecessarily malicious.

You haven’t heard more criticism from the loyal lampi owners because we bust our butts to support them long after their purchase is made. As I write this reply, I am awaiting delivery of a Level 2 DAC which was built in 2010 for significant updates at a price that has its loyal owner tickled pink!

It is true we have multiple levels at multiple price points, but isn't this normal for an audio company? This is common practice in most markets be it automobiles, clothing, software–whatever. Unlike other markets though, we go out of our way to make sure customers remain supported and updates are performed at affordable, sometimes even subsidized, prices to please our loyal customer base.

Good luck in your endeavors,

Fred A.
LampizatOr North America

P.S The base price of the Big 7 is $10,500 not $13,000.
How can you praise the Bricasti M1, while trying to trade it for a Lampi DAC? If that really happened...all I can say is "WOW"!