Lampizator question

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
How can you praise the Bricasti M1, while trying to trade it for a Lampi DAC? If that really happened...all I can say is "WOW"!

That seems to be the norm on forums these days. Too many people with hidden agendas. Once a particular brand gets its 15 minutes of fame, the jealous vultures come out to bash. It seems to be regular as clockwork.

My advice, ignore the banter and have a listen to a few contenders and make up your own mind. Nothing is perfect for everyone, so it pays to examine a few options.
Ricred1 I sent him that email before I even got my Bricasti. I was actually interested in the Big7 before the Bricasti as I noted in my statement above that my criticism is of the new products and their very short life cycle because they drop so much from new. Heck they are GREAT deals used and incredible sounding DACs which supports my point that they drop and prematurely because the company is always coming out with new ones because that is what they do. I had a deal in principal on a loaded up / low hour one box Big7 for $6200 in CT. It had the build sheet that Lampi provides that had almost everything but an extra digital input that could have been added I think but wasn't going by memory. The dealer told me it was a $13k retail DAC with all the extra's as they offer a lot of options. He told me it was only a few months old. Well I lost out on that deal my fault I should have pulled the trigger quicker and that dealer told me he had a Bricasti and they were way better and this and that. I was trading my DAC and made a deal with another dealer and was kind of bummed I didn't get the Big7 because it was so low compared to a new one retail and thought they were good values used and before I heard the Bricasti I still wanted the Big7. I got the Bricasti and love it. Couldn't be happier. This thread was asking why so many Lampi's out there? I think because the company is greedy and could care less about the people that just bought new ones when they have super short cycles and they come out with another new top model and the people that just bought the last model oh well. This is just my opinion. I have heard many Lampi DACs over years and I have always thought their sound and build are top notch some of the very best. Great products but I think they are greedy and I recommend to anyone looking for a Lampi DAC to buy a used or demo one and save a ton god knows theres a ton to choose from because buying new from these guys is gonna leave a mark on depreciation but hey some people keep them a long time or don't care and I appreciate that.