The BBC recorded the Pink Floyd back in the early 70s, with a 2-mike Decca stereo tree. The recording is a spectacular documentation of a band playing- a band that happens to be Pink Floyd at (IMO) the peak of their creative career.
Finding the original BBC LPs is challenging, to say the least. It was reissued as a bootleg, under the name 'Screaming Pink Abdabs', The BBC Sessions.
The album is live as there is no over-dubbing or effects added later, but there is not a live audience. IMO easily the best sounding Pink Floyd out there, if realism has anything to do with it...
Finding the original BBC LPs is challenging, to say the least. It was reissued as a bootleg, under the name 'Screaming Pink Abdabs', The BBC Sessions.
The album is live as there is no over-dubbing or effects added later, but there is not a live audience. IMO easily the best sounding Pink Floyd out there, if realism has anything to do with it...