Wow Howard...BTW, that reminds me that I never remembered to ask Pat what was the result of hooking up that external DAC, if he did. Anyway, I stand in awe of the guys like you (and Paul, and Doug); of the group that assembled with Pat at Albert's place; of the Audiogon member who sends Pat medicine; and I'm sure many others - including everyone that cultivated a telephone relationship with "ol' Lugnut" - who went the extra mile of personally reaching out past the self-protective distance of the Internet to make an acquaintance in the flesh or by voice, with all the attendant emotional risk that entails, when you knew it would be taken from you before long. It's people like you who're really the caring ones, the ones with guts and a commitment translated into action. You're all loving people and role models for this community.
And - as if we needed any further evidence of it other than the words he has written here - Pat demonstrated he is truly a Wise Man (which I'm sure he'd deny :-) when he opened his heart to the whole crazy lot of us, rather than confine himself to the private and familiar, as I'd guess many of us might be inclined to do if we ever found ourselves in a similar circumstance. I suppose that, with his example for inspiration and guidance, someday there could be another thread on Audiogon not unlike this one, but I could never imagine anyone else pulling it off as naturally well as Patrick has done. Just so there's no mistake about it, it hasn't been his disease or his situation; it's been him, as our leader and teacher, who has made real and made worthwhile this special gathering - a testament to his character and his influence, which, as so many have declared, will endure inside us all.