What tt 's have you sold after getting a Lenco?

I'm intrigued to see what happens here. Since Johnnantais's monster thread has been running for 2 years i feel it would be great to see what turntables people have put to one side after having replinthed and re-armed a Lenco. There have been, I know, some very expensive TT's sold to make way for a Lenco.

I personally replinthed a Lenco GL75 and have an OL Silver arm and Denon DL103R cart on it now. I then sold a Thorens TD160 and a Garrard 401 on a nice plinth. One caveat here is that, while my Lenco beat my Garrard in every way, Johnnantais has managed to get a Garrard 301 to sound to him very close to a Lenco.
Nottingham Interspace with Interspace arm. Now, with Jean's help, I have The Green Monster -- an L78 replinthed and tweaked, in sea foam green with cream top plate. I've got a Cardas rewired RB300 with Petra IC's on one armboard, and a SME Series III with Petras on the other, and switch them out. The Lenco is very far superior in every way.

Wow - I have been thinking about getting a Goldmund Reference, and maybe a Rockport as a back up.

But it sounds like I should just forget about it and buy a Lenco!
Have yet to sell my poor little beasties which were slaughtered by my big beastie ---- a SME / Shure equipped replinthed Lenco.
In every musically meaningful way the Lenco simply sounded far more realistic.. Granted, we are only talking Rega Planar 3 and Project 1 Expression. It has however, destroyed what little faith I had left for digital. How can any sane person or music lover listen to digital after a Lenco listening session!!
Well, I am very interested on building one of this Lenco. The problem is that I don't really know where to start. I started reading the thread but it's just way too long. Is there a shorter version of instructions on how to do project??? Does Jean Matias have some sort of a website where he would do a step by step intruction for guys like me who is no where near a DIY guy?? Can this Lenco handle a Pheripery ring and a centre weight??

Futheremore; can this be done on a different TT??? Seems like all the Lencos out there are gone.