Should I purchase an expensive phono preamp

I have a Nottingham Horizon TT with the Rega 250 arm and a Goldring 1000 series MM cartridge. This is hooked up to a Pioneer Elite VSX-99 AV receiver that has a built in phono stage. I am trying to improve on the phono stage but I am wondering if there will be diminishing returns going to the more expensive stages. I am considering Lehmann BC, Graham Slee Era Gold V and AcousTech PH-1. I listen to Jazz, Old School R&B and Classic Rock music mainly.
My Nottingham Horizon, RB250, Dyanvector 20X sounds amazing with the Whest 2.0 phono stage. It's a solid unit, with the ability to provide gain up to 70Db and different loading via plugs. Huge dynamics, great bass and smooth overall character. This setup beats the pants off my 10K CD player.

FYI the Dynavector 10x5 and 20X both sound very good on the Horizon/250.
I had a Whest in my system, and heard it in a couple of others. While I agree it is a great phonostage and worked nicely in my system, it is very system dependent, not to mention susceptible to EMI and RF. The prices on the Whest units are dropping pretty fast so cost of entry may be worth it now versus a year ago.

FWIW, there is a Cary PH-301 here on Audiogon for $900 obo that I think is a great phonostage. Unfortunately I sold mine to get the Whest (which in turn yielded to a Hagerman Trumpet). The Cary has great resale value so if you try it and don't like it you won't risk losing much.
Saw a Graham Sleee "Buy It Now" for $375 on ebay and think this may be comessurate with A'gonm prices.That Cary suggestion is a pip as well.But as said just to see where Hifi is probably going check out PS Audio site for the stage also for tech going inton new digital gear in their amps and integrateds (which ar e cool in that you can defeat either amp or line section to ad another peice without having to get rid of integrated in one fel;l swoop).Wish I knew how Pioneer stacked up sound wise.All I know that is they are heavy and well made but that does noit mater when the lights are out.But when you get into receiver or it's components you rae hearing character and capablities of the amp and always thought it should be chosen for speakers which I don't think you mentioned.There are some pre's that have EXCELLENT phono section so if that's a possible upgrade soon you might buy new equipment later and find excellent seperate (which requires interconnect and it's characteristics) might be equaled or betered by section in pre.May confuse issue but it is part of total picture.On other hand you could get a great pre like say new $4500 G'luck
I ended up deciding to go with the Bellari. Any suggestions for interconnects? Also, thinking about investing in a couple of different tubes. Any suggestions on where to buy them?